One’s oral health can be significantly improved with the help of an oral surgery procedure. In this day and age, there are so many ways that oral health can be improved. Having oral surgery procedures done happens to be one of those ways.
Are you considering improving your oral health? You should explore what oral surgery procedures exist because it may be quite helpful to consider your options. We highlight common oral surgery procedures in this article! Read on to find out more.
Below, we go over a few oral surgery procedures that can help improve your oral health. All of these can be discussed with an oral surgeon or dentist. They can provide a full evaluation of your mouth.
Many people’s oral health deteriorates when they have missing teeth. The interior bone begins to decay, which can cause insignificant structure and support. Missing teeth can also make it difficult to eat, which can put a dent in one’s overall health. With the help of
dental implants, one’s oral health may be able to be improved. Dental implant placement is one of the most common oral surgery procedures that people with missing teeth opt for.
Another common oral surgery procedure that many people get to improve their oral health is periodontal surgery. When the gums become seriously infected, surgery may be needed in order to remove the infection. This oral surgery procedure can help improve oral health by removing diseased areas of the gums.
Dental bone grafts are used within oral surgery as a way to replace decayed or deteriorated bone. When dental implants are needed, there has to be a substantial amount of bone present in the jaw. If there is not, then a bone graft may be required to improve the bone structure, thus improving oral health. Bone grafts are not as invasive as other oral surgery procedures, but a surgical procedure is still required because bone has to be removed from other areas of the body.
Almost anyone can experience impacted wisdom teeth, which occurs when the mouth runs out of room for these teeth. The wisdom teeth will scrape against each other, as well as the other teeth, resulting in pain. In this scenario, an oral surgery procedure to remove the wisdom teeth can significantly improve one’s oral health.
Are you considering an oral surgery procedure to improve your oral health? It is best to consult with an oral surgeon about your options. Depending on your teeth, gums and overall mouth, you may be a candidate for a number of these procedures. Stop by our office or give us a call today so we can answer any questions you may have. Our trained oral surgeons can evaluate you to determine how we can best improve your oral health.
Request an appointment online or call Ready 2 Smile Dental Group at (951) 695-1870 for an appointment in our Temecula office.
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